Combo Braid Infinity and Fishbone with Knots

For this tutorial I’m happy to show you how the combination of two braids can create an original hairstyle and ideal for both important occasions and casual outings, maybe an evening with friends.

Step 1: In the central area we take a section of hair and divide it in two, from one of these sections we take an external lock and we pass it under the first section from behind bringing it over the second on the front, we bring it back and we pass it above the first on the front.

Step 2: Repeat these steps by adding small portions of hair each time we bring the lock behind the sections. Finally we block with an elastic that we will hide with a lock of hair.

Step 3: We make a tail that we will divide in the center where we will pass the lower part between and finally we will enlarge the sections. We repeat with another queue below.

If you want to enrich it further I suggest you add light points. I hope you liked this proposal, let me know with a comment. Here is the tutorial where I show you how it is done.

Recommend link: Ombre Wigs


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